Almost everything is plug-and-play. Make sure to unplug your printer from the wall before installing this or any other parts on your printer. We will cover the connections on the board and then go over adding things like filament sensors, EZABL, and BL Touch, all optional accessories. If you are also installing an EZABL, do the EZBoard installation first and then follow the EZABL installation guide to set up the EZABL.
You MUST read the installation documentation. All connections are detailed along with warnings about what to do and not to do. Failure to follow the installation documentation may result in damage to the board and/or failure of the board to work properly.
We highly recommend taking a picture of the existing electronics and wiring before beginning your EZBoard installation. This can help you reference which wires run to which components and can help avoid wiring issues. It can also help you revert back to the stock mainboard easily in case of emergency.
All EZBoards ship with a test firmware that is for testing the boards. You must flash firmware for the machine you are installing it in for the board to work. Before flashing please read our article on MicroSD cards and how they should be formatted. Not using a MicroSD card in the format or size listed on the above article may result in your board being bricked. Be patient when flashing and do not cycle power for at least 30 seconds.
Do NOT use buck converters for your fan connections. Buck converters and under-voltage fans can damage the EZBoard and render it inoperable. Always use the proper fans for the voltage of your printer’s power supply. Using a buck converter (also called step-down) with our FAN headers will void your warranty.
Do NOT use a “Pin 27” or “EZOut” Board with the EZBoard or EZBoard V2. Use of these will damage the EZBoard and it is not tested to work with the EZBoard. Headers for a BL Touch (Servo) and filament sensor (Fil. Sensor) are directly available on the board so no adapters are needed. You can use our filament sensor (or the stock Creality filament sensor) AND a BLTouch at the same time.
When using a filament sensor, use the cable that is included with it. Do not use a Creality cable with our EZOut sensor as this will short the board due to differences in the sensor wiring and vice versa (Creality sensor with our EZOut cable).
We do NOT recommend using SD extensions as these can damage the ejection mechanism onboard SD slots as they do not usually allow you to properly eject the SD card from the slot. Contact us if you think your SD card slot has been damaged.
Any wires entering screw terminals must be bare wire or use ferrules. Many printer companies tin the wires, and it is incorrect. Make sure that screws on terminals are tight so they get good contact. Inserting wires that have tinned ends and/or failure to tighten the terminals all the way will eventually cause damage to the terminals that is not covered under warranty.
Always double-check your connections and make sure there are no stray wire clippings on the board before powering on. Incorrect connections or stray wire clippings will damage the board and are not covered under the included warranty. If you are not sure about your wiring, you can contact our support with pictures for verification or post them in one of our TH3D Communities.
Need help? You can contact us through the Contact Us link on our website. We also have sections in our communities to get help outside of business hours and they are linked below.
Connect your X motor to the motor connection with the X next to it. Refer to the picture in this guide as they are highlighted as to what connector is for what motor in case the markings on the board are not clear enough.
Connect your Y motor to the motor connection with the Y next to it. Refer to the picture in this guide as they are highlighted as to what connector is for what motor in case the markings on the board are not clear enough.
The EZBoard V2 has two Z motor connections built in. These use the same Z stepper driver to run two motors at the same time.
If you decide to use two Z motors, enable the “DUAL_Z_MOTORS” option in the firmware to increase the Z stepper driver amperage to drive the 2 motors properly. When enabling the CR-10S or SV01 printer models in our firmware, “DUAL_Z_MOTORS” is enabled automatically.
Do NOT use a Dual Z Adapter Board with the EZBoard V2. This is untested and may cause damage to the EZBoard or other components.
Connect your Extruder motor to the motor connection with the E next to it. Refer to the picture in this guide as they are highlighted as to what connector is for what motor in case the markings on the board are not clear enough.
This should always be set to the “Reg” side of the jumper block. If it is not then the board will not work unless USB is connected. Our board will power off when set to “Reg” when the PSU for the printer is turned off. Unlike other boards ours does not back-feed power into the VIN and it will not stay on when connected to Octoprint if you cut the printer power off. This jumper provides full isolation of the 5V from the USB and the onboard 5V regulator on the board.
The terminal labeled VIN is where the power from your printer power supply is connected to. Make sure to get the positive (+) and negative (-) correct when connecting them.
For your fans that are always on connect these to the Always On screw terminal labeled “Fan” on our board. If they have a connector snip them off and strip them before inserting them into the screw terminal.
CR-10 Series – will need to have the always on fan (control box fans -40mm and 50mm- and hotend fan) 2 pin connectors removed and connected to the FAN terminal on our board.
Ender 5 Plus – will need to have the always on hotend fan 2 pin connector removed and connected to the FAN terminal on our board.
Pay attention to the positive (+) and negative markings (-) on the connections. If connected the wrong way it will damage the fans and/or the board. This is for always on fans only, not your layer fan that cools the plastic when printing.
Do NOT use buck converters for your fan connections. Buck converters and under-voltage fans can damage the EZBoard and render it inoperable. Always use the proper fans for the voltage of your printer’s power supply.
This is where your heated bed heater wiring connects to. Polarity is not important unless you are running an external MOSFET. If running an external MOSFET make sure to get the polarity (+/-) correct
This is where your hotend heater wiring connects to. Polarity is not important unless you are running an external MOSFET. If running an external MOSFET make sure to get the polarity (+/-) correct
This is marked on the board as “Fil Sensor”. There are 2 sensors currently supported. Our EZOut sensor and the Creality/Sovol sensor. Depending on the sensor you are using enable the corresponding sensor in the firmware when you update it. Only use the wire that came with whatever sensor you have. Do not mix a Creality cable with our EZOut sensor or vice versa.
Only the EZOut sensor itself is needed, if you have an EZOut already you will NOT need the EZOut adapter board to use it with our board. We sell just the sensor in the shop.
Creality/Sovol Sensor Connection. The RED wire lines up with the “5V” pin and the yellow wire lines up with the “SIG” pin.EZOut Sensor Connection. The RED wire lines up with the “5V” pin and the white wire lines up with the “SIG” pin.
Connecting the filament sensor cable backward, mixing cables from different sensors, and/or incorrectly WILL short out the board and is not covered under warranty.
This is used for machines like the Ender3/Ender5 that have a 40mm fan directly over the board. This fan will turn on/off with your motors to keep the drivers cool.
Pay attention to the positive (+) and negative markings (-) on the connection. If connected the wrong way it will damage the fans and/or the board.
On Creality machines this is usually a red/black wire and red is positive. Our headers are set up to match the stock connectors. But it doesn’t hurt to double-check.
Do NOT use buck converters for your fan connections. Buck converters and under-voltage fans can damage the EZBoard and render it inoperable. Always use the proper fans for the voltage of your printer’s power supply. Using a buck converter (also called step-down) with our FAN headers will void your warranty.
This is used for connecting a servo or an ABL sensor like the BLTouch/CRTouch. The Signal, 5V, and GND pins are marked on the PCB. Be sure to connect them to your servo/BLTouch in the correct color order.
Incorrectly connecting these can short out your sensor and/or the board. Below is the wiring for a genuine BL Touch sensor, your wire colors MUST match the picture. We strongly do NOT recommend using a BL Touch clone as they are of inferior quality and may damage your control board.
If you do not know the pinout for your sensor we have pinouts for the BLTouch and CRTouch in our help center.
Wiring color notes: Some BL Touch 3rd party harnesses use non-standard colors. See our help center for some documented 3rd party harness color pinouts: Creality and BTT
BLTouch Connections on an EZBoard V2. See our Help Center for more information about BLTouch wiring colors.
You can also use this header for connecting the EZABL if you have issues with it on the Z Endstop (some kits need to connect here). If using this connection method you will also need to enable the V3_EZABL_ON_SERVO option in the firmware. See picture below for using the SERVO header for your EZABL kit.
This header consists of ground, signal, and 5v power pins. This provides control over individually-addressable LED strips, such as our EZNeo product. When using the EZNeo strips with our board just plug it into the NEOPIXEL header with the cable that comes with the EZNeo strip and then enable the setting for the strip version you have in the firmware.
This header consists of 5V, ground, TX, RX, and NC pins for use with serial communications. This connector is NOT for the BLTouch/CRTouch 5 pin connection. For the BLTouch/CRTouch, use the the servo header (L) and the Z endstop connection (R)
This is used for your layer fan that cools the filament. Pay attention to the positive (+) and negative markings (-) on the connection. If connected the wrong way it will damage the fans and/or the board.
On Creality machines this is usually a yellow/blue wire and yellow is positive. Our headers are set up to match the stock connectors. But it doesn’t hurt to double-check.
Do NOT use buck converters for your fan connections. Buck converters and under-voltage fans can damage the EZBoard and render it inoperable. Always use the proper fans for the voltage of your printer’s power supply. Using a buck converter (also called step-down) with our FAN headers will void your warranty.
Connect your X and Y endstops to the corresponding endstop header on our EZBoard. They are labeled X-Stop and Y-Stop, and are typically used with microswitch-style endstop devices.
If connecting the stock endstop switch, just plug it into the Z-Stop port. If connecting an EZABL or other ABL sensor you may need to reverse the Z wiring. Use M119 to verify if the sensor is reading triggered/open correctly. If there is no change then switch your Z endstop wires (or if you have the EZABL Pro flip the Z switch on the board) and test again.
These connect to the E-Temp and B-Temp headers. E-Temp is for the hotend thermistor and B-Temp is for the bed thermistor. Make sure to inspect the thermistors for any damage to the wires or overtightening of the screw holding the hotend thermistor.
If you have a single cable LCD like what is on the Ender 3/Pro, Ender 5/Pro, or CR-10 just plug it into the LCD header on the board. If you have a dual cable LCD you will need to use the optional Creality Dual Cable LCD adapter board to connect your LCD to our board. This also is the same for the CR-20 LCD adapter PCB.
NOTE: If you have a dual cable LCD that has the EXP3 header on it then you can use that instead of the dual cable LCD adapter board. Just use one of the stock cables and the 2nd will be not used. Some have EXP3 silkscreened on the board but not physically installed. If you have one that has EXP3 physically installed you can use that instead of the dual cable connection.
Installing the Creality Dual Cable LCD Adapter board #
Make sure to align the adapter in the socket. It will cover ALL the pins. Mis-aligning the adapter can damage the board/LCD and make the LCD not work. The board will hang over the EZBoard PCB as shown in the below pictures.
There are no firmware changes needed when using the Creality Dual LCD Adapter as all pin changes are handled on our board.
If your board came with a pull-up board this is ONLY for the Ender3/5 machines with a single LCD cable. Do not use this on the dual cable versions.
The board edges will align with the edges of the LCD header socket. Once you have it installed you can connect the cable that goes to EXP1 on your LCD to the EXP1 plug on the board and same for EXP2. EXP1 is the one furthest from the LCD header connection.
Installing an E3D PT100 Temperature Sensor w/ Amplifier Board #
When using a PT100 board with the EZBoard V2 you cannot also use a BLTouch at the same time as it uses the Signal pin from the SERVO header to read the signal from the PT100 board. You can use an EZABL with a PT100 board as the EZABL only needs the Z endstop header to work.
You will power the PT100 board with the 3.3V and GND pins on the SWD header and the Signal pin will connect to the SIG pin on the SERVO header. DO NOT POWER THE PT100 BOARD FROM ANY 5V PINS.
Only the specific E3D PT100 board shown above has been tested to work with our board. Any other amplifier boards from other vendors and/or variations of amplifier boards may not work and/or cause damage to the EZBoard. We recommend the E3D version.
Make sure when setting up the firmware that you take into account any upgrades you have on the printer. Our firmware is set up for stock machines and there are options for changing settings like thermistors and steps in it.
If you changed your hotend and/or extruder there may be additional changes to the firmware settings to make sure those work correctly. Refer to the product documentation for your other upgrades to determine what settings would need to be changed (thermistor #, esteps, etc).
We have an automated web compiler that is VERY easy to use and does not require any software installation on your computer. Head over to to get your firmware for your EZBoard.
You can still compile locally with VSCode but if you are having issues with your local PC compiling use the EZFirmware website.
We have Compile-Your-Own firmware packages available for the EZBoard if you would prefer to do so. Use the link below and choose your printer model, then the Aftermarket section, then select the EZBoard V2 firmware in that section. Alternatively, you can use the “DIY” firmware as a generic starting point if you’re using the EZBoard in a custom build or similar.
Since the firmware is going to be updated at a much faster rate than this installation guide please refer to the Firmware Download page here.
If you have an Ender 5 machine check that your Z-axis moves 10mm when you tell it to move 10mm. Some machines are shipping with new leadscrews that have different steps/mm. If yours only moves 5mm when told to move 10mm then you need to enable the ENDER5_NEW_LEADSCREW option in the firmware and update the board again.
You can also look at the steps/mm setting in the stock board by going to Control>Motion>Steps/mm and see if Z shows 400 or 800. If it shows 800 then you need to use the ENDER5_NEW_LEADSCREW option for your machine.
There are many things you can do to your printer installing this or any modification.
You are assuming all risk associated with this modification.
If a 3rd party product causes damage to our board this is not covered under warranty. This includes failed parts on the printer itself that can cause shorts into IO pins (like a hotend failure). It is recommended to regularly check your machine for defects in the wiring and mechanicals to prevent damage to your machine and our board.
You understand that this and/or any modifications to your printer can and/or may void your manufacturer warranty (if any).
TH3D Studio LLC is not to be held liable for any damage to your printer, home, person, or anything else due to issues that may arise from improper installation or failure of these parts.